KrackersIP Addresses of krackers

Blacklist Checker

Check if an IP address is listed in spam/krack blacklist

Example: enter your IP Address, like, or your domain like, or a website, like

Kracker is a database site with ~ 254.211 kracker address record, collected from 2021.09.30 to 2024.09.07. Records never expire.

English (United States): Disclaimer

These are addresses that have attacked our system in one way or another, so they are banned completely and forever from our firewall.

Some of these may be considered "White Hat Hackers" and argue that they shouldn't be banned. This is due to their undoubted statistical utility in cataloging all the IT knowledge present in the network, knocking house by house, door by door, window by window on the 65535 crevices that each of our IP connectivity allows.

The way we see it: if someone comes to our house at 1 in the morning and tries to open the doors and windows, we don't care if they claim to be good guys or if they are trying to get inside.

Our reaction will always be the same: they are banished from our property.

Special thanks to ChatGPT for their support in developing this site.